OT Come On Holder of the Mystery Box
I know someone said that Patty C was the last one to post on the boards to get the Mystery Box and send it on.
Will the person who is holding it up....please get going on it....it is not fair that it is not getting out on time. I know we all have responsibilities, and life has its own agenda....but lets play fair okay?
I am planning on another Mystery Box exchange and I have gotten a good amount of replies so far. It is going to have a Christmas theme since it seems to take so long for it to get around. This is not the Secret Santa Exchange either. It will work like the 1st Mystery Box....take what you want and leave the rest behind. Whatever I send out in the 1st mailing which is yet to be determined as same as last one....take what you want and replace what you take!
To sign up...contact me at [email protected] or here at the OH site. Please leave your name and snail mail address. Also leave your OH screenname so I do not get anyone confused....please!!!
I know the holidays are a ways away....but lets start the spirit now...and keep it on going! I am excited about the holidays this year especially because of having grandchildren who are aware now!!!
Looking forward to getting the 1st box moving again...and this next one!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Sorry. It was me. I have a PO box and don't pick up my mail but every few days. It's been so long since I signed up for it that I wasn'****ching for it. It really didnt have anything to do with playing fair.
I already took care of it and texted Nikki that I am dropping it off at her place tomorrow. Takes the surprise out but its moving again.
um. sorry.